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Making masks with fabric ties is definitely recommended over using elastic as elastic will break down in the wash very quickly, especially in industrial washing systems that the hospitals and other facilities have. If you have made masks with elastic, they will still certainly find homes  - but hopefully these tutorials will get you comfortable making fabric ties.













When finding fabrics, please use 100% cotton fabric only- non stretch, quilting cotton preferred. 

  • No fabric with glitter or metallics.

  • No shoelaces, ribbon, or hair elastic - sew ties according to versions one or two please.


Wash and dry fabric to pre-shrink before sewing:

  • Please wash and dry your fabric on hot twice before sewing to pre-shrink. I

  • f you are not able to do this, sew one size larger than you originally intended,  and label your finished masks as unwashed per the guidelines below.


Sewing hygiene rules

  • Wash your hands thoroughly, repeat any time you take a break from sewing.

  • Wipe down your machine and iron with disinfectant.

  • Sew a practice mask for yourself, and use this while sewing the masks to donate.

  • Never try a mask you intend to donate on your own face, your child’s face, or a pet. 

  • As you complete masks, keep them grouped in a sealed ziplock bag as you sew (but any receptacle will do) to keep them sanitary. 


When you have finished your masks and are getting them ready to drop off:

  • Bring your masks in a ziplock bag (or other bag if zip lock is not available)

  • Group masks by size

  • Label to include:

    • Pattern used and size (if applicable)

    • If fabric was pre-washed and dried or is not pre-shrunk

    • Your name




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